The Mogo Credit Card Insights configuration provide lenders with a full suite of enriched data clusters and conditional analytics.
With an emphasis on income data identification and credit behaviour patterns, this configuration utilises the full capability of our verification and treatment capabilities to identify, seperate and augment these critical transaction criteria.
Fully informed, instant serviceability results can be achieved with the necessary risk based responsible lending analytics and expense insights included in this off the shelf solution.

A sample of some of the pre built, out of the box Insights in our Credit Card Lending Analytics Suite are outlined below
Sample Income Insights
Dynamic Credits – Frequencies and Ratios.

Multiple verified income sources with full trend and pattern analysis
Fully configurable conditional mapping of all income streams

Stability, frequency and reliability of all credit sources
Sample Expense Insights
Full expense analysis including related transfers and de-duplication

Responsible lending red flags with conditional filters
Irregular ‘one off’ payments across all expense areas