Our Personal Loan Decisioning Insights Suite includes our full income insights module covering multiple credit sources and employment types.
Other insights include Net Monthly Position which shows serviceability levels over variable time frames and a range of pre-built conditional expense insights. These include behavioural based indicators across fixed and variable debit groups and key responsible lending areas.
A sample of some of the pre built, out of the box Insights in our Personal Loan Analytics Suite are outlined below

A sample of some of the pre built, out of the box Insights in our Credit Card Lending Analytics Suite are outlined below
Sample Income Insights

Multiple verified income sources with full trend and pattern analysis
Fully configurable conditional mapping of all income streams

Stability, frequency and reliability of all credit sources
Non regular income analysis

Sample Expense Insights

Full expense analysis including related transfers and de-duplication
Multi recurring expenditure groups with full pattern analysis

Undisclosed liabilities and other accounts
Responsible lending red flags with conditional filters

Irregular ‘one off’ payments across all expense areas